Catalogs: Spreading the Word

Posted on December 6, 2023

Catalogs: Spreading the Word - AdSerts, Inc.

Catalogs are one of the most effective ways to spread the word about products and services. The finished product stands as a visual element that can include your work portfolio, offerings, and brand in a neatly packaged print and/or digital piece.

Know your intended audience and their lifestyles!
This is the first step in pinning down the overall look of your catalog. In some ways a catalog shares some of the same research magazines do for their media kits. Where will this catalog be seen? Who would want to see it? What are they in the market for? How much do they spend for like products or services?

How to showcase your offerings!
Product shots with copy blocks or elegant, hi-res photo lifestyles with only a callout, maybe both depending on how much information your target audience needs to make a decision. A home-design catalog that shows a remodeled kitchen may be enough for someone to want that counter with that sink and those lights, while someone else may want to know more about specs and features. Having a striking cover also helps in be noticed and sparking everyone’s curiosity of what’s inside.

Whether your catalog has minimal text or very heavy in descriptions, language is another key part of your catalog. This is also based on your brand. Are you and your audience formal or informal, all business or a little fun? People respond to a personality they feel is close to theirs. Words and phases are important too. “Perfect for Hosting” to a large group who do not host may have little to no response.

Advertising yourself!
In the end you are selling your company. Your attitude and culture, along with branding, design, photography, lexicon and knowing your demographic, are all essential in attracting a positive outreach. Try not to base distributed catalogs directly to sales, this is more about building a readership. Everyone who picks up your catalog may become future customers when the time is right.